MGI PhotoSuite comments

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rating Patricia
It's the best simple program to edit image. I love it.

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John Daviso
Will PhotoSuite 11 run on win10?

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Rock Brentwood
It works fine on the Wine Windows emulator in Linux; though I haven't checked out version 8 on it yet. I have a strong temptation to create a Qt-based clone of it, and add more enhancements, like deconvolution (the inverse of their "smoothing" operation), automated color-matching, 2D-to-3D, 3D editing with an ability to edit the contours of objects in pictures and add objects to pictures in 3D, layer/segment extraction, automated color-matching, interpolation (to extrapolate behind objects), animate GIF's, and even some frame-by-frame video editing with the aid of the FFMPEG library ... and even audio editing with the aid of 2-way spectrographs. I already have all of this as separate routines, but not integrated into anything like an enhanced clone of MGI's image editor. If this is
green-lit I'll keep you updated. It'll be on GitHub.

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rating purple
I have used v3 for many years and it still installs on windows 10. I agree it is the best simple editing program I've used. However, with the newest version of windows 10, it will no longer allow you to add text. It says the default font is out dated and then freezes. I'm wondering if anyone has found a fix for this. Thanks for all the comments.

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rating Bob
I've used this since about 1998 (came with my Windows XP).. Use it to paste together large pictures, scanned in sections. and anytime I need to CUT & PASTE

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rating steeVee g
I got mgi photosuite years ago as part of an instal disc for a scanner. even by todays standards mgi photo suite is by far the best photo editing suite. when I went onto windows 10 it would not allow mgi to install. Bum Bum I thought. however going through the disc and eliminating all the other installations on it and free stuff, I got mgi to install. I am very happy and if anyone contacts me I can always help out.

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steeVee g, I am trying to install Photosuite 4 and having the same problem where it stops at 99% or it will continue and stop with the 2nd CD install at 37%. Can I ask what things did you not allow mgi to install? Maybe that could help me too. Thanks.

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rating Paul M
Best photo editing program I have ever used

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rating R Walton
I also have used Photosuite version 8 and had no problem on windows 10. Much easyer to use and able to do very quick edits to any photos so of course when I had to reset my computer it was deleted and I have not been able to put it back DARN. I would still like to have it, it works better than anything else I have seen.

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rating E. Smith
I use Photosuite SE and have used for many years. Bought several other photo editing packages supposedly better but I find Photosuite by far the most usable and am very lucky it is still fine with W10 and does all that I need.

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rating Frank Barrios
It's a good program for making the background transparent and allows you to superimpose an image over a different background. With the Blemish remover, you can go around an image that is transparent and remove all the colors that aren't part of the image. It's very easy to Crop images to 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 or Custom.

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rating Michael Richters
I have IMG Photosuite SE (Starter Edition) v. 1.06 from 1998, and as of April 2018, it runs perfectly in Windows 10 Home x64, (build 1709). Very basic, but powerful software. I do all of my quick image edits and almost everything else that I need to do, much quicker and with far less fuss than Photoshop, or GIMP or even Paint.Net.

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Above it states that MGI PhotoSuite will not work on win 10... That's wrong! It works perfect and fast! Just copy the installed folder from win 7 to win 10 in the x86 programs. Create the desktop shortcut and all done!

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rating Randy Schlack
Constantly used version 4 since about '96 in photo business and in retirement. Moved and can't find disc and was too stupid to COPY the disc to my "downloads" folder. Use Adobe Elements only for finer sharpening and for resizing and periodically for special effects. But I can do almost anything with MGI 4 and hope to use it forever.

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Gerry H
I have version 4.0 and was able to install it on my HP All In One desktop running Windows 10, but when I try to install it on my Lenovo laptop/tablet running Windows 10 it won't load. When I look at the program disk on the Windows Explorer I can't even find the .exe file.

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A friend of mine had v8.1 installed on a Windows XP computer and wanted it on his Win10 laptop, so I simply located the MGI folder on the old system and copied the entire folder to a thumb drive, then copied the folder from the thumb drive to his Win 10 desktop screen. Since the entire program is contained in that folder, the program works just fine.

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